
my first hexagonal apple...hexagon

For the first time ever I made a pie tonight. I am beginning to plan out Thanksgiving meals, and since I really don't access to any of the foods I know how to make for Thanksgiving (which really isn't much), that's why I'm having to start practicing a month in advance. I've never made a pie before, and even if I had made one in the states, I would've bought the crust first. I think once I tricked myself into believing I had made cherry cheesecake, with that ready made crust and ready made cheese and ready made cherries. Anyway, so I'm not expert on pies. I think I've already laid out my credentials of being a slight airhead, and tonight was no exception. After almost fully completing the preparations for the pie, I realized, Hey, shouldn't I have a pie pan? Of course I didn't, but I did have some hexagonal baking pans for some reason. Seeing as the crusts were rolled out and the apple filling was already made, I had no choice but to try it out. And guess what - it worked! And having the pan made the little diagonal cuts very easy to center, which is something only a scrapbooker can appreciate. Husband told me all pies should be hexagons because it makes cutting the pie that much easier.

So here is a picture of my first apple pie...that's not a pie shape at all.


Mandi said...

hexagon, rectangle, triangle, whatever--that pie looks good to me? so are you gonna come down here and cook thanksgiving for us or what? hehehe

dadto3 said...

I love it. You should start a marketing campaign for hexagonal pies. But then would pie still equal mc squared? Ha/ha!!