
if at first you don't succeed...

Today was my first ballet class, but I don't know if you can call it a class since no one showed up. I didn't take it as a good sign when I arrived and not only was the director not there, but the room where the classes were supposed to be in had two big ping pong tables in it. Technically, someone did show up - a Russian girl staying at the Y sat in the room, and chatting with her helped me pass the 30 minutes I waited to see if I would have any students. There's still hope though. A few headmasters have expressed interest in me possibly teaching ballet at their schools, so as soon as I can get in for an interview, I'm going to try again.

Something funny did happen from the experience at the Y though. I had to change back out of my dance clothes, and a worker there pointed me towards a bathroom. Apparently he pointed me to the men's room, because after changing in the shower area, I looked for a bathroom to use, and a guy was in a stall, using the urinal with the door open! I could have walked out unnoticed, but I couldn't help blurting out, "Oh my gosh!" and he laughed, and I said sorry and giggled on my way out. Fun times at the Y.


Anonymous said...

sorry dude. But everything happens for a reason, right? I love you. I'll send some money your way!
How's the mildew situation?

Sarah said...

Yeah right, you went into that bathroom on purpose, didnt' you? :)