We really enjoyed our trip to the capital, but now we're so glad to be home. The train ride was both very fun and uneventful.

We did get to see the beautiful morning countryside and they served us a nice breakfast of an omelette with peas on top, bread and butter and juice. It wasn't bad, either (see I told you I'm not picky!). While we were there, we did so much stocking up on stuff, and enjoyed all the American food! We also saw three wedding processions in one night which was really cool. One was

right outside the restaurant we were eating at and when we got up to leave, they procession was coming into the parking lot so our way was blocked. We stopped and watched the celebrations, and the guests got a kick out of us. They actually had a marching band just like from a high school, and people were dancing like crazy. The groom rode in on a white horse, and it

was sad because he really couldn't dance, but then he started dancing on the horse. One guest came up to husband and the other guy with us and asked them to come dance with the rest of them! But they decided it would steal the thunder away from the groom (especially since the videographer had already come over to us and taped us, and the photographer snapped our pic. We pretended like we were dancing in that one) It was really cool and made me want even more to be invited to a wedding!
Yesterday we had carpet installed in the living room and our bedroom to help us keep warm. We love our house even more now! But it sure was hectic getting it done. First, the breaker to allow the water to lift to the roof was broken, so we had no water. Then, the carpeters called about 45 minutes before coming to say that we needed to move all the furniture out and sweep and mop (never having installed carpet before, we naively figured they would do it). Our maid was already late, and then called to say she wasn't coming. We also had the two new girls here for the weekend because their landlord said they couldn't move in until Monday so we were trying to help them get moved out and buy several items they needed. In the middle of all the chaos, though, the mailman came and there was a package from my mom and one for husband, and it lifted our spirits tremendously. Our boss knows just when to meet our desires! Finally, we got our breaker fixed (it was completely melted!), the carpet installed, and the girls moved in, and were able to enjoy the many blessings our boss has bestowed upon us.
Now we are gearing up for a great Thanksgiving with our new friends!
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