
if only in my dreams...

You know that song, "I'll Be Home for Christmas"? I never understood it before. I thought, Who in their right mind wouldn't go home for Christmas? And now as I sit here, literally on the opposite side of the world from my loved ones, I must not be in my right mind. :) I now understand how I can be home, if only in my dreams. Husband and I have enjoyed a quiet Christmas Eve and now Christmas morning. Great news is that this morning, we were able to have a big breakfast of eggs, biscuits and gravy, and best of all, bacon! (thanks Mom-in-law!) Also, we talked with husband's family on the webcam, and now we're waiting on my parents to get on the webcam as well so we can open up presents! And I've heard that my brother and his wife will be calling us sometime in the middle of Christmas day, to heck with the time difference. Fine with me...just as long as we get to talk with our families. And as long as they don't mind our groggy mugs displayed across their computer screens.

So last night we watched through Google Earth as Santa made his way around the eastern most side of the world. Let me tell you, those Japanese kids should be very happy today because he was in Japan forever. This morning, I stumbled across this article on MSN, which just made me smile. Those NASA folks sure are on top of things:
NASA identifies Santa above Cape Canaveral — 10:10 p.m. ET
Dec 24: Cape Canaveral, Fla. — After some confusion in past years involving Santa’s sleigh and UFO activity in Cape Canaveral, NASA was more than prepared for his arrival this year. By using the NORAD tracking system NASA was able to follow Santa’s progress around the world, so when an un-approved blip showed up on their radar screen they were able to give him the all-clear. “I tell you what,” one NASA employee said, “this NORAD system has made Christmas much less stressful around here!”
Did anyone hear that NASA employee channeling Hank Hill a bit? I tell you what! Hope you all enjoy a Merry Christmas with your family and friends. Don't take for granted the blessing of seeing your family for Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you got to spend a little time with your fam for christmas, even if it was from far far away. i know that must be hard. Merry Christmas!