
musical chairs and the christmas story

Since we have never hosted a party here before, we had no clue what to really expect. We were warned that all sorts of crazy things may happen: people would show up hours after the time allotted, they would bring their entire family, extended family, and village, or they wouldn't show up at all, etc. So we asked everyone to be here at 5, because since it's so cold, they like to leave by 7 or 8. We were very relieved when Sagar, his wife, and son arrived at 5:15. Soon, our house was filled will 25 people, 27 including us. They ate the food, and then ate some more food, and then ate some more. I never thought they would truly like the American food, but they did. They especially loved husband's ranch dressing; they would eat it straight with a spoon. We had a hard time explaining the concept of a dip. Same with my spinach and cheese dip. And the salsa. I think next year we should lay off the dips. :)

After the kids were done eating, we played musical chairs for the kids. We decided that if the adults got into the game enough while the kids were playing, we'd play an adult version. The South Asians love musical chairs, and in the middle of explaining the game, they took over the explanations and even re-set up the chairs in their own way. The adults got into it, so we started to play another round, and then they asked for a third round. We gave out the word in their language to the winners. I have to admit that I cheated and watched so that Sagar's family would be able to take home the word.

Then we told the story, and sang carols. As of now, we don't know if there were any decisions or lightbulbs going off, but we do have the promise that the word never goes out void. So please remember the 25 people who were here, that the boss would begin speaking to them, and that they would listen intently.

As a final gift to them, we gave them booklets in their own language and repeated how eternal life was the best gift we had ever received. Several people were reading them throughout the party, so we know that their interest is piqued. Most of these people have never heard this before, so they are thirsty.

We have ideas for next year, ideas that involve you! Please be thinking about this already, even though you (and we) do not even know yet what this completely entails.

We are going outside to enjoy the snow now! Merry Christmas to y'all, and to y'all a good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is so fun! i love musical chairs! i am so glad that you had such a wonderful response at your party...He is so good! i will keep you in my thoughts as these ppl take home the words you gave them, and begin to question what it is all about...so awesome! love you!